I'm at the Gym right now. Tonite we're having MALAM BUSANA RIAS & TRADISI. It's sort of a modelling show. Our models form UiTM Sabah's gonna be Jay, Joey, Zariey, Yie2, Far and Oyoe..
as usual, i gotta go. I'll be back updating soon. Our program's gonna finish tomorrow!!!
Till then, Cya.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Dear Blog...Today, Saturday 14th May 2010..KAKS has finally ended..Yiipppee~ Havent slept last night.. A little TOO focused on finishing up the Business Plan n presentation slides..
and yet...we got BANKRUPT!!!
~No future potential.
~Instead of loss..the company closes!
For all those sleep sacrifices...we got a bankrupt?????
Well OK..we sort of kindda deserved it. We were 97.8% Unprepared!
But we were cool..we always were. ahaha. 5 days are not enough to produce a GREAT business plan. It needs Research, interests and Time. Heck. We never even expected to be GREAT.
It's a matter of learning! Nx semester will be a lot harder than the 5 days i've been here. Instead of 5 days to prepare a business plan..i have 4months n a half!
And if this time i dont do GREAT, then i shall Obviously, obviously, DEFINITELY be Dissappointed!!
Gotta go..it's 11.30am now. I need to get myself a beauty sleep to recover my sacrificed sleeping hours for the past few days. There's a closing event for KAKS at 2pm. So to prevent myself from feeling all sleepy and drowzy in the hall..i'd better get some sleep NOW!
I repeat NOW!!!!
P/S: I'll update more as soon as i have more time. There's just TOO much to talk about!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Heyya..i'm just passing by. It's already 2.02am, Thursday 13th May 2010.
It's been 3 days of KAKS now. fyi: KAKS stands for Kursus Asas Keusahawanan Siswazah. The reason i signed up for KAKS are;
- I'll be taking ENT300: Fund.of Entrepreneurship nx semester (so i thot that this would b a good steeping stone to prepare me for the critical subject)
- Certificates will be given
- To fill in my 'short holiday gap' (instead of staying home alone..whilst waiting for the Program Pertukaran Budaya to take place..i'd better fill in d days with an activity. So here i am!)
Day 1 was a hell in d morning. I had to carry ALL my belongings since earlier sem from Cluster A to Cluster B. For those who doesnt know..Cluster B is about 100 meters away from Cluster A. Yahh..so near. say what u want. But with 1 HUGE luggage, 1 filled BIG bucket, and 4 other SMALLER hand carried items + 1 BrooM in hand..10 metres felt like 1km!! Good thing Dega came to d rescue. He's d hero. Helped carried Tim's, Nanot's n my bag off to Cluster B. But hell doesnt stop there. Up we go to the 3rd floor where we were given our rooms. This time..Dega left us three alone to carry our belongings. He's a guy OK? he's not supposed to go up our block!
After registering....I was grouped with Nanot. Whereas Tim n Dega were together in another. Unlucky enough for me n nanot..our classes for the course were going to be in Fasa 3! Additional info: ALL drivers were attending courses. U know what that means????? Yes. We were to walk ALL the way UP to fasa 3. Going through the 'tangga maut' n 'tangga merah' at the Mosque. Imagine going up n down for 6 consecutive days with our daily schedule of;
But we were unlucky for just a short while. U see..it's called berkat'. Bersusah2 dahulu..bersenang2 kemudian. Kak Ain offered to give a ride as soon as our classes finished. Thank God! Otherwise..we'd have to face d staircase everyday!!! So our record for KAKS of going to the class by staircase is ONCE! I repeat ONCE! haha.
Day 3..12th May 2010. Yeehee..My birthday of course! Morning classes was OK. we learned on Admin Planning conducted by Sir Sibley. Then Sir Cyril conducted Operational Planning. Until after our lunch break..jeng x3..Financial Planning. I was expecting we'd do some calculation, but we didn't. It was a *yawn*, *yawn*, *yawn* session all d way. Mannn..the most Boring class ever. I wasnt th only one. In fact most of us in d claz were.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
My collections: Cam, cell phones, wristwatch, books, comics and Phys.Ed shirts
Today's Saturday, and it's raining outside. The TV's showing Mann. a Hindustan movie. but dont expect me watching. my eyes are stuck on my lappy here. Mama was supposed to watch the movie..but somehow, d movie's watching her. haha. Geddit?
Anyway, i was bored just now. So i took some photos on some of my personal collections. Here are some of my cherishable collections.
Anyway, i was bored just now. So i took some photos on some of my personal collections. Here are some of my cherishable collections.
This is my Polaroid cam. a.k.a Spice cam. My 1st-ever owned cam. If u read my earlier blog post, u'd know d story behind it.
These are my cam collection.
These r my phone collection. Btw..the bulky phone lying on d floor is my hse phone. I couldn't find my 1st-owned hp. but just so u know how big it is..it's jz d same size as my hse phone. Can u imagine that? It was a Nokia. Got it when i was 14. It was down-to-generation hp. 1st my dad owned it, then he gave it to my mom..then to me. After that..my brother had d chance to use it as well. The iPhone is my latest. Haven't used it yet. Right now, i'm using d green SE. Why m i not using d iPhone?
- I've only got 1 simcard
- I'm not used to d function yet (iPhone has too many apps to get use to)
- I need to buy its' cover 1st (i'd be devastated if it scratched)
But i'll use them in the holidays. i Promise.
Below are my Mmuaxx..Mmuaxx..muaxx...comic collections. I'm not d sort of person who collects all kinds of comics. I'm not an anime lover. I can read a friends'..but i dont collect anime comics. Gempakstarz are the greatest publisher. i dont collect those with series tho..I hate having to read a story n knowing that it is to b continued..huhu. I'm proud i managed to collect ALL Zint's Under 18 series.. Weehee~.
Up unil now..i haven't bought K.O King. Wait till i go back to KL..then I'll go comic shopping!! Darn i missed d book fair at PWTC..Why O Why haven't they organize a book fair here in KK?
for picture purpose only. I NEVER put my comics on d floor. It's nicely organized on my bookshelf.
I'm not a book person really. I was into Enid Blyton when i was in primary school. I have tons of his collection. Then i stopped collecting when i started going into secondary school. Lame~. I was like "I'm a Teen. I don't Read Books!". Then when i was in Form 3..i started to be serious in collecting comics. in the same year, when i went shopping in Carrefour, a book caught my eye. It was "Can You Keep a Secret" by Sophie Kinsella. I fell in love reading its' synopsis. After that..d only book i look onto is those by Sophie Kinsella. So far, below are d only collection i have. I'm looking forward in collecting her Shopaholic series. But...that's gonna take time. Cuz one book costs approx RM35. Darn~
My watch collection. I'm currently using the white one on the right.
My autographed former schools' shirt. This one's signed on my last day of school in Taipei British School-2000. It was my PE shirt.
This is my SMK Likas's PE shirt. Signed on the last day of school in 2006.
This is my SMK Likas's hostel shirt. Signed on the last day of my stay in hostel-2006.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Surely u guys can guess why..
Final Exam for this sem is FINISHED!
That's why!!
I had MUET speaking exam this morning. It went well. Our topic was
"The Most Important Preparation before Going to an Interview".
- Getting info on the job
- Getting info on the organization
- Wearing appropriate attire
- Improve communication skill
In the end, we concluded on "Getting info on the job" as d most important preparation for an interview. My fellow candidates did well. Each with "May i interrupt? May i add something? I agree with u, but...," Nanot did much better than i remembered when she did in Part 2. Mann..i think BEL 260:Preparation for MUET is a lot harder than the real MUET exam. Alhamdulillah la. Fiqa was good too. u know wht? June was supposed to be in our group, n somehow, the examiner took June out from our group..n Irsyad took her place in ours. But thanks to him..right after our exam, he drove us back to Cluster. Otherwise, we'd have to wait for the bus, which i wouldnt know when. It was 10am..i bet d bus would come after 12pm.. Thanks Irsyad!
I'm at home now. Rasnah's sleeping over. Yes it is d start of our sem breaks already. But not for some of us. We're booked d whole month. I've only a 3-day off before i'll be registering back to UiTM for KAKS. A 5-day entrepreneurship course.
Right after that..i'm off to a 7-day Perkampungan Budaya and a 10-day Program Pertukaran Budaya.
I'm really tiring myself out. But looking on d bright side..if i didnt put myself into all these programs, i'd be at home producing fats! haha. I hate holidays for dat reason. Wake up in d morning, n shower. d next thing i'll reach is d remote control. Then i'd b a potato couch till 12pm where i get up to get sumthing to eat. then back to d TV till Mama gets back from work at 6pm. At night is still TV. TV, TV, TV all day long. So at d end of the holiday, what i get is a 5kg additional unwanted -where-d-hell-do-these-come-from fats!
So that's d reason y i'm joining all these programs n making myself busy in d holidays. I was thinking of getting a part time job sometimes. But cant do this time. My May is fully scheduled. So i'm only free in June. But i'm going back to KL. The tickets have already been booked. Yippee~
My family n i have plans already for June. We're going Cuti-Cuti Malaysia. Terengganu to be exact. n my grandparents are going as well. Weehee..it's been a long time since we went on a family holiday!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Today was my MGT345: Operations Management final papers. Guess what??
I'm cool..i'm happy..i'm relieved..!! So hoping for an A on this subject.
Thank u Miss Myda Eric. U're an awesome lecturer!
i went out of the exam hall at 11.15am. I still had another 45minutes but what else am i to do? I've finished answering all Questions. I wouldn't want to be frozen to numb..like what happened during my Investments' paper. (wouldn't want to talk about that!)
Next papers' on the 4th of May. Human Resource. Hoping an A for that. Though it let me down a lil knowing my assessment marks were not as i hoped it'd be. Anyway, i still have the chance right? I just hope my efforts are worth it. I cant stand seeing an effort being dumped away. So.......pain in d butt!
MUET speaking exam will b on d 5th. I hope...I WISH..d topic i'll get is on 'babies being dumped/thrown away/killed with no mercy'..Cuz i have soooo.....many points i'd LOVE to stress on. Please not on technology. I'm bored already.
Woo...Program Pertukaran Budaya is soo...around d corner! U know what freaks me out??? My P.L position. I'm no leader. I can't even imagine myself briefing to 250++ people on the 21st May. I cant even say No when i was given d position. Cuz:
1. I didn't dare to..(what m i to say?)
2. I thought i'd take it as a challenge.. (n overcome my own fear)
3. Thinking they're trusting my capabilities..(so i thought i would to)
But turns out..i'm not blending in this Leadership thing. No chance me turning in d position now. Boo-hoo Nabila! So all i'm left with is.. K.P Program Pertukaran Budaya UiTM all d way till d end of May.
Hey..before u go off making assumptions that i'm a coward..just give me some time till d end of May to proove something OK? I'm just saying that i cant do this...i cant do that.. cuz sometimes i dont even know what i'm capable of. This is d 1st time i'm held a leader of a BIG program. So Hell i'm nervous! One thing's for sure..I'm gonna have fun with my friends around me. Yipee~.
One Verry sad thing tho...I wont b having a camera~ Devastating. See if i can repair it on time. That is, if they even have spare parts. There's this one shop across Centrepoint that i'm gonna try getting into. It's a camera shop, n they hv camera repair services. Plz..plz..plz...have d spare parts. Even KL doesnt hv any of em nemore. Miracles do happen right? Cant buy new ones..where am i to get d money?? No way i'm asking my parents. I'm gonna earn it myself! Neone in favor of giving me a camera??? haha..digital ones plz. Easier to upload.
Thank u Miss Myda Eric. U're an awesome lecturer!
i went out of the exam hall at 11.15am. I still had another 45minutes but what else am i to do? I've finished answering all Questions. I wouldn't want to be frozen to numb..like what happened during my Investments' paper. (wouldn't want to talk about that!)
Next papers' on the 4th of May. Human Resource. Hoping an A for that. Though it let me down a lil knowing my assessment marks were not as i hoped it'd be. Anyway, i still have the chance right? I just hope my efforts are worth it. I cant stand seeing an effort being dumped away. So.......pain in d butt!
MUET speaking exam will b on d 5th. I hope...I WISH..d topic i'll get is on 'babies being dumped/thrown away/killed with no mercy'..Cuz i have soooo.....many points i'd LOVE to stress on. Please not on technology. I'm bored already.
Woo...Program Pertukaran Budaya is soo...around d corner! U know what freaks me out??? My P.L position. I'm no leader. I can't even imagine myself briefing to 250++ people on the 21st May. I cant even say No when i was given d position. Cuz:
1. I didn't dare to..(what m i to say?)
2. I thought i'd take it as a challenge.. (n overcome my own fear)
3. Thinking they're trusting my capabilities..(so i thought i would to)
But turns out..i'm not blending in this Leadership thing. No chance me turning in d position now. Boo-hoo Nabila! So all i'm left with is.. K.P Program Pertukaran Budaya UiTM all d way till d end of May.

One Verry sad thing tho...I wont b having a camera~ Devastating. See if i can repair it on time. That is, if they even have spare parts. There's this one shop across Centrepoint that i'm gonna try getting into. It's a camera shop, n they hv camera repair services. Plz..plz..plz...have d spare parts. Even KL doesnt hv any of em nemore. Miracles do happen right? Cant buy new ones..where am i to get d money?? No way i'm asking my parents. I'm gonna earn it myself! Neone in favor of giving me a camera??? haha..digital ones plz. Easier to upload.
operations management,
Program Pertukaran Budaya
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