it has finally come to an end. The ending part was verry sad. Especially having to say goodbye to the UiTM Sarawaks'.
UiTM Sabah n UiTM Sarawak has been working verry hard to make this program a success. n i'm glad to say...IT DID!
The earlier start of d programme was Damn hard. They demanded too much. Hello??? Remember why u're here??? U're here to participate in a programme. Not on holiday! U know what they asked for?
- Heater for shower (Again..this is a hostel..not a HOTEL)
- Mineral water (They complaint on the water cooler giving them sore throat. Hello?? It's called water cooler..of coz they're not healthy. How come we can survive for 3 years..n u cant even stand for 3 days???)
- Transport to go to the city (How can they not understand?? We're in a programme stick to it! n yet they want to go sightseeing?? Relax..we've provided all that. Just hv to wait for d day!)
- Karaoke set (Haishh...i'm getting tired typing all d complaints already. How can they ask for a karaoke set?? Our programme starts at 8am everyday..n ends at 11pm. When's d karaoke gonna take place?? U cant sing at night n disturb d others asleep.-_-')
Good thing we're invulnerable with complaints.
Day 2 was OPKIM. I get to go Kg Baru Kimanis in Papar. Half d others were to Kg Gayang in Tuaran. The moment we arrived at d kampung..we were greeted by the kampung people with kompang. It was cool..i felt so special. haha. Then d moment of rendition to the adopted family. I got Mak n Kak Miedah. Along with me were Myra (UiTM Sabah), Abg Shah (UiTM Pahang), Amiey (UTM) n Fifa (UMS). Good thing Mak's house was at a walking distance. Here's our family picture.
That night Kak Miedah brought me, Myra, Fifa n Amiey to Pekan Papar. Mak n Abg Shah went d mosque for ceramah. Dont ask why i went to Papar instead of d mosque. I'll shoot u!
Day 3 was Sukaneka. a lil havocacy. The kampung was supoosed to prepare d sukaneka. but they didnt. dunno d cause. So in d end..WE had to run d sukaneka by ourselves. Good thing there were balloons. so we played Pijak Belon, Semakin Jauh Semakin Sayang, Kaki n Tunang-Kahwin-Cerai. n Man i tell u..d weather was freakin' hot. That nite was Malam Kebudayaan. Whereby each UiTM campuses made a performance. Mainly in dance.
Day 4 was our last day in Papar. that morning was gotong-royong. Not many came. What'd u expect?? Gotong-royong..who would ever come?
at 2pm..was d closing of OPKIM. Mak was like.."Don't cry..dont cry.."..n we tried to not. but we did. Mak gave us each a towel, kerabu kelapa (forgot d real name), ikan keropok n homemade ikan masin. it was truly a sad event. It was fun in kampung n 3 days wasnt enough.
Day 5. we had Pesta Sukan Rakyat. Some of d games were baling tin, rampanau, lastik, terompah gergasi, pancing botol, etc. n was freaking HOT! Even my sunburn from OPKIM haven't cooled off yet..n now i'm adding more sunburn!! Here's proof of my sunburn. i even have a 3-layer sunburn!
at 1pm..we went to Linangkit Cultural Village. It was actually smaller than i expected. Plus..we had to walk about 1km into d kampung until we reached the place. With d sun burning above our head..people were nagging bla3..Why this..why that?? Urghhh~
Here, for the 1st time ever since living in Sabah..i ate pisang rebus, kompos n rojak-in-banana leaf.
That night..we had a day off. Phew~. Finally, relaxtion.
Day 6. We had Kembara Budaya in d morning. I was responsible for Checkpoint: Q4. It was questionnaire checkpoint. Along with me were Bella n Shishee. Our questions were:
- What's d full name of UiTM's Vice Cansellor?
- Who is the Project Manager of PIN Pertukaran Budaya 1 Malaysia UiTM
- Name 5 urusetia from UiTM Sabah
- Name 5 urusetia from UiTM Sarawak
After the Kembara Budaya..they were given d chance to go to KK. I soo...hope they're happy. as for us urusetias' ..time for a Sleeping Beauty.
That night we had a sport night. Among the games we organized were futsal, badminton, volleyball n petanque.
Guess who won futsal?? *koff*
The Urusetia team!! Us la for sure.
Day 7. Outing to Kundasang! We went to Taman Negara Kinabalu n Poring Hotspring. Finally, i get to go up the Canopy Walk!! Good thing it costs only RM3 for entrance n an extra charge of RM5 for cameras.
Day 8. Some of us went to do the mural n some went to the gym to prepare the stage for tomorrow's nite of Malam Simbolik.. The other participants were given rest for d morning. Where else Kak Sue, Kak Eton, Zariey n I went to find the cenderahati for the Menteri. This is what we finally bought.
Not d one in red..OK? Zariey just felt that someone needs to be taken picture with d souvenir. so he volunteered.
in d night, there was the Malam Simbolik rehearsal. Good thing all went well.
Day 9.Trip to the Museum n Galeri Yayasan Sabah. I chose not to go. I mean c'mon la..i've been t d muzium tons of times. I just missed going to the revolving restaurant in Yayasan Sabah. But i can go there anytime. So i chose to stay n prepare the Gym for the big nite tonight: Malam Simbolik.
7pm was supposed to be d arrival of participants, officials n guests..n yet not many arrived on time. wht with the VIP panicked me. 7.30pm, the VIP arrived..n not all participants has arrived. Lucky for us..we were all ready once the VIP entered the hall. It was a blast that night. Unfortunately, I didnt dance for this year's Pertukaran Budaya. This year i played the Gamelan.

Day 10. It was Pesta Kaamatan n the others went to the Kadazan Dusun Cultural Association Centre to get a glimpse of experience of the celebration here in Sabah. Again..i stayed in campus helping Miedah with the Malam Busana Rias & Tradisi. I didn't mind was fun arranging the stage to a modelling catwalk theme.
When the night was another blast. Each contingent from different UiTM campuses presented their cultural costumes. I can't really say if i have a favourite..cuz there are severals which i like. But i guess..Shawal's hair will always be my favourite. hahaha.
Right after the event..they had a lil karaoke session. Man, i hope 'they're' happy.
Day 11. First We Belong Together. Any idea what it is? I'm not quite sure who gave the title.. but it felt belonging. It was a closing event actually. Here's where we all say Goodbye. The 1st to leave was UiTM Perak..huhu. The best thing was..our Pertukaran Budaya shirt was finally ready on time. It was supposed to be ready before the Program, but there was a technical problem. At least we didnt have to post the shirts to each campuses. Saves costs already. The saddest part of all...was saying another Goodbye to Kuntum. This tym i really felt hard. The last time was when i studied in UiTM Swk..n now's another goodbye. iskh..iskh..iskh.. I soo...hope to see her again nx time.
That goes to all members of UiTM Sarawak as well..they're the coolest lots. The other participants of this Program is also the coolest. They're a sport! Thumbs up to all involved in the program. Till then... let the memories be well kept for now n forever.