Went to Mesra Mall today with my housemates a.k.a classmates, Tika n Cyla. Man i'm so happy to actually go to a shopping complex. Cuz u see, there aren't any shopping complex available in Dungun. The nearest would be in Kerteh, that's Mesra Mall it is. Which is a 45mins drive.
Siap ada tulisan Jawi lagi. |
Yup..this is the Mesra Mall. Does it look like a mall? Not really. More like a Giant or Tesco store. Although, it does have Big Apple, Al-Ikhsan, Rotiboy bakery and Carlo Rino inside. Plus, TGV Cinema, U-Bowl, and a futsal arena. Now that's cool.
Reason no.1 to go there: hit the cinemas. This movie in precise;
Rumours had it that KRU Studios (who produced this film) used computer-generated imaginary a.k.a CGI technology for the film. So i was really looking forward to it. Tho, it was a failure (for me) of Cicak Man. (Sorry, didn't work for me).
So i checked it's trailer on YouTube, and i was like "Wow..this is something". Well Hello Malaysia~ Finally a lil something new.
Tho uses many outsiders for the movie, it's still a Malaysian production right? Regardless of who helped out in the CGI tech. "Ala...mesti banyak omputih yang tolong buatkan editing semua tuh". Still, u got a problem der?
After the movie, "Fuhh...good job KRU". Keep it up!
So basically, it's a story about a prince of the Roman Empire who is to marry a princess of a Chinese Empire, just for the benefit of peace for the world. (kind of). On the way to meet the princess, the prince seeked help from Merong Mahawangsa (first king of Langkasuka) who was then entrusted to guard the prince throughout the journey. Then things go bad when the Gerudas kidnapped the princess.
So then goes the heroic part where the prince, Merong and the Chinese empire attacked the Geruda island n got back the princess.
And they lived happily ever after.
(Go watch the movie to find out more. I'm just giving the brief).
So then we strolled off. and Hey..ada Popular bookstore!! Suka3. Like3. Went straight to the comic section. Too bad didnt have what i was looking for.
So went off to another section and found this,
I was blogwalking the other day..n watched IniAnwarHadi's vlog. He recommended this book.
OK..so it looks like i'm influenced by him. (Maybe a lil')
Then i read it's synopsis. Thought that maybe i should start buying more of this type. I've always bought comics and fictional novels. Never bought one of these before. Besides, this book is kind of interesting.
Among the subjects in this book:
- Are music and entertainment allowed in Islam?
- Why must long-distance bus drivers discouraged from fasting?
- Are non-Muslims allowed to enter mosques?
- Did the Prophet Nuh pass to us a recipe for porridge?
- Why are some P.Ramlee lyrics more Islamic than the contemporary nasyid songs?
This book costs RM40.00 only. It's worth buying y'know? Maybe i should be spending more money on this sort. (Still, comics and Sophie Kinsella's books are a priority).