I'm a nice kiddo. I don't Kaboom people. What more, the cutie you, Kungfu Panda.
Just had lecture class this morning. Plan for the day?
So then i googled for the showtime available at TGV at Mesra Mall.
Good..there's a 3pm show.
But what was sad...there aren't many choices to choose from. There's certainly strict limits on what sort of movies are allowed to be shown here in Terengganu.
Where's Voices From the Grave
Let the Bullets Fly
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Where? Where? Where oh where?
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Ada aku kesah?
Yong, ko ada blog kan?
Ada. Kenape?
Ko ramai followers tak?
Tak. Apsal?
Saje tanye. Nanti free2, follow la blog boifren aku. Dia dah ada 120 followers dah. Dia slalu cerita pasal aku ngan dia. Tapi ko jangan gelak tau. Ko kalau nak ramai followers, ko kena rajin baca blog orang, komen2, pastu promote la kat Fb ke.
Eh hello makcik? Aku buat blog ni pun bukan sebab nak suruh orang follow aku. Aku buat, sebab ni pengganti diari aku. Nanti 10 tahun akan datang, boleh la aku baca balik and recall segala benda yang pernah aku lalui. Aku tak kisah pun kalo ada orang nak baca ke, nak follow ke. Tapi takde la sampai aku nak promote 1 Malaysia blog kecik aku ni.
(Ko pe hal?)
Is it fun being...........me? Think again!
I had people telling me "I bet it's fun being you". And to the point where i'd ask, "Why?"
"Cuz you never have problems!".
Okay people, listen up! The reason being so, is cuz i don't look for problems.
Where in fact, i actually do have problems. It's just i never show people that i do. Besides, i seldom take problems seriously. Every time i have a problem, i'd say, "Ahh..it's just one of those problems. Besides, every one else faces the same thing". So my task? Find the solution. That's it!
Okay..it does not sound that easy aite?
Okay, here are my problems.
I'm 22 and i still cook by referring to my Cook Book. I'm totally not creative when it comes to cooking. If my mom teaches me to put 1 teaspoon of salt into a dish, then i'd put exactly 1 teaspoon of salt. I wouldn't dare to put fewer or more, afraid the dish would tastes different. I can bake, but i can only bake a chocolate cake. With the help from Mama for the chocolate coating and filling, of course. Although, whenever my family members need a drink, they'd surely look for me. My sister's favourite quote: Kakak...nak air! My mom's: Nabila, buat air. My brother's: Kak, buat air kak. And my dad's: Nabila, masak air. Which...u understand rite? Make him a 3in1 Coffee Mix, his favourite.
I'm at the age where most of my friends are already married. And i'm sooo...not ready for marriage, just yet. With who? Where am i gonna live? What kind of house i'll be staying? What job does my 'husband' works? Are we gonna be happy? My parents keep telling me, the secret to marriage success (for a wife) is to take care of their husband's belly. Which refers to the food we serve. If a wife does not know how to cook, then the probability for a marriage to last long is rather thin. So that is my problem. How can i feed my husband when i can't even cook well? My husband can't go for Masak Merah, Masak Kicap, Telur Dadar Mayonis, Sayur Campur, Sayur Kangkong, Sayur Kacang Buncis or Instant Dishes everyday right? Maggi perhaps? That's why nowadays, we hear husbands playing foul games with their wife by having skandals. Even having a secret second wife! These cases terrify me.
That's why i'm not ready.When shall i be ready then? God knows when. But i'm working on it. At least before i reach 25. And if i have a catch by that time.
My mom always complain that i can't keep a house clean. But my friends always say i'm the neat sort. Well, Mama. It's cuz at home i have you and Papa. Sorry for burdening you guys. But if i live on my own, i keep things tidy. I promise! If you don't believe me, check out the house i live in, in Dungun. I may not be the daughter you'd proudly tell your friends, "My daughter wakes up early morning, sweeps the whole house, do the laundry, wipes the furniture, and makes breakfast for the whole family".
See the problem i have? I can't even make my parents proud. Allegedly, not to show off. Cuz i still wanna be their little daughter. My parents always brag that their children never grows up. (*squek* Not in front of you guys~).
I always have problem with my studies. Especially when it comes to accounting and economic subjects. It's like urghh...gross! (But like it or not..i've managed to pull through 3 years of facing those subjects already. Just need to steady myself for another year in Bachelor studies. The problem i face here is, due to the fact that these subjects are not my best of friends, it always contribute to the lack of my CGPAs'. urghhh...gross. And because of these subjects, i failed in gaining a 3.5 in certain semesters in Diploma. It's not that i really loathe these subjects. I worked my heart out each time, but just didn't hit the target i set. I really salute those taking up accounting and economic subjects in uni. Well, here i am taking up Managerial Economics subject for shortcourse. It's actually next sem's subject, carried forward. I'd rather face the subject for 1 and a half month, (even if it includes going to its class everyday) than having it through for 4 months. But how am i going to get good grades if i have dislikes in a subject?
Every time the exam results are released, and there is a dissatisfaction, i would blame this and that. Whereupon it was my own fault for taking things slightly. I should've known the subject isn't my thing, then i should've struggled twice the harder.
Those are among the problems i have. Personal problems to be exact. (Now no man would want to marry me). Boo-hoo.
Among other things i tend to avoid are:
"Cuz you never have problems!".
Okay people, listen up! The reason being so, is cuz i don't look for problems.
Where in fact, i actually do have problems. It's just i never show people that i do. Besides, i seldom take problems seriously. Every time i have a problem, i'd say, "Ahh..it's just one of those problems. Besides, every one else faces the same thing". So my task? Find the solution. That's it!
Okay..it does not sound that easy aite?
Okay, here are my problems.
I'm 22 and i still cook by referring to my Cook Book. I'm totally not creative when it comes to cooking. If my mom teaches me to put 1 teaspoon of salt into a dish, then i'd put exactly 1 teaspoon of salt. I wouldn't dare to put fewer or more, afraid the dish would tastes different. I can bake, but i can only bake a chocolate cake. With the help from Mama for the chocolate coating and filling, of course. Although, whenever my family members need a drink, they'd surely look for me. My sister's favourite quote: Kakak...nak air! My mom's: Nabila, buat air. My brother's: Kak, buat air kak. And my dad's: Nabila, masak air. Which...u understand rite? Make him a 3in1 Coffee Mix, his favourite.
My Cook Book. |
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The runaway bride. |
That's why i'm not ready.When shall i be ready then? God knows when. But i'm working on it. At least before i reach 25. And if i have a catch by that time.
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messy vs neat |
See the problem i have? I can't even make my parents proud. Allegedly, not to show off. Cuz i still wanna be their little daughter. My parents always brag that their children never grows up. (*squek* Not in front of you guys~).
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kebaboom! |
Every time the exam results are released, and there is a dissatisfaction, i would blame this and that. Whereupon it was my own fault for taking things slightly. I should've known the subject isn't my thing, then i should've struggled twice the harder.
Those are among the problems i have. Personal problems to be exact. (Now no man would want to marry me). Boo-hoo.
Among other things i tend to avoid are:
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U're blue dude! |
- Boyfriends: i wouldn't have to worry about spending my money on top-ups everyday, no jealousy, no hatred feelings, no worry of having to say Good nite everyday before going to sleep, no Good Morning. Dah mandi? Dah makan? Buat apa tu?, no sulking, no persuading..bla3. Conclusion: no worries. I hate seeing my friends suffer, crying their heart out every night for something their boyfriends did. I'm not saying that having a boyfriend is a burden, but at least being me for the time being, it's already worthwhile. But if i was going to meet a somebody, then it's fate. I'm only expressing my P.O.V as for today.
- Hanging out with the wrong people: This, i totally am cautious. Cuz friends actually make up who you are. I avoid from mingling around with social people, drug-addicts and bad people (if u get what i mean). Not to discriminate them, but because i understand me! Not to say that i'm easily influenced, but i'm the sort of person who wants to hang out with friends, and will feel left out if i don't hang around much with them. Therefore, avoidance is better than cure. I wouldn't want to be in those groups. Na-a-ah~
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The smart-looking bad people |
- Blacklisted student: I'm trying my very best to be a clean student all my life. No bad reputation at all. (Until last semester, gotten my first summons for parking..urghhh). I am a bit choosy when it comes to choosing group members/partners for an assignment. I wouldn't want to have a group member who could do nothing but wait for a job being served. And yet, not capable of doing so. Slap u man! These sort of people don't deserve the marks the other group members gained for. Nor does the group members deserve bad marks for this person's fault. Therefore, it is wise to choose the right people for your group. Good reputation needs to be preserved. Which may lead to good results. Thus, clean student!
P/S: I feel like slapping this one person, for ruining the smiles and laughter off my friend's face.
P/S/S: Boyfriends out there. Please don't break your girls' heart. Even if you no longer have feelings for her, break up the good way. Be professional will ya? Otherwise, Allah the Almighty is always just and fair. Aren't you scared of getting paid-back?
Friday, May 20, 2011
UiTM Convo-ed me!
15th May 2011..another date to remember.
After having fought through critical subjects i.e accounts, economics, management, Islamic studies, English, finance, research methodology and entrepreneurships, i am finally a UiTM Diploma in Business Studies's graduate.
Having gone through 3 years of study, i've gone through times where i was scolded for not assigning tasks on time, having a report rejected, being forced to do another person's task, memorizing like hell for quizzes, tests and exams, having a roommate who can see 'things', being bullied by classmates by having to be part-time class representative, being stepped by a 3-inch heels whilst fighting for the bus, being blamed for something i didn't do, being accused for bringing illegal items that wasn't even mine, lost a shirt at the laundry, gotten a C+ for Financial Accounting and a Band 4 for MUET. Urghhh~
Although, the best part was, i was a member of Jawatankuasa Kesenian Pelajar UiTM Sabah, being a gamelan performer, joined the dance group for Program Pertukaran Budaya UiTM at UiTM Segamat, Johor, Project Leader for Program Integrasi Nasional Pertukaran Budaya 1 Malaysia UiTM, being a volunteer for Supermits-Sports Day, a ball-picker & so-called secretariat for the Liga Bolasepak IPT, picnic, futsal match and sungkai with classmates, escaped class with almost-the-whole classmates to go to 1Borneo and watched Legend of the Fist, being ushered by a senior and a footballer, and even won first place in the Bookmark Design Competition.
I also had the opportunity to pursue my studies at UiTM Kota Samarahan, Sarawak for the Student Exchange Program for one semester in Part 4.
All the toils and hadwork was finally paid off on this particular day. I had my parents with me on that day. So it was really meaningful. Having heard my name annouced had me on mixed feelings. What more, i had to wait after more than 2000 graduates before it was my turn.
After the indoor event took place, it was time for the outdoor. Mann, it was burning hot. Sweats were running down like rainfalls. Either way, i was very happy. I get to reunite with my friends who i longed to meet. I met a long-lost friend whom i had known when i lived in Taiwan a decade ago. She had her convo on the same day! I received a bouquet of flowers and a convo teddy from my parents.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Mama and Papa for paying for my 3-year study fees, providing me sufficient monthly expenses, giving me enough moral supports, for being my loyal driver, and for some many other reasons i should be thankful of.
Thank you to all the lecturers of UiTM Sabah and UiTM Sarawak for all the toils and hard work in educating me various subjects for me to learn, and for me to graduate on time. Thank you for being patient for having me as your student. I may not be as burdensome, but i have my weaknesses.
Thank you to all my friends, classmates or non, u guys rock my uni life. Little did i imagine i'd miss u guys like crazy now. I keep reminiscing all the good times we had. The bads too! And especially all the funny moments.
Like how we all escaped class to go to 1B and watched a movie. And how we escaped Finishing School to eat at Juara Nasi Ayam. I guess the most memorable part was fighting for the bus everyday, and yet still complain all the time. And how we hate certain bus drivers, and the Pak Guards on the whole. How we blame the bus drivers for being late every time we came to class late. How we complain the foods at the cafe were not good, or that the workers were lazybums cuz they didn't serve food at certain times. And even complain the stuffs sold at Co-op were expensive. We even accused the uni didn't pay the bills every time the power and water supply went off. Dumb us. We hated the fact that other campus was allowed to wear short sleeves, and ours couldn't. We hated going to co-cums every week, and wished it rained heavily each time. (Which never happened). We hated assignments. Always.
Man, i really missed my friends Missed having complaining session, gossiping hours, ghost storytelling, and eating at congregations. I missed yelling at people in the college who sang their heart out and disturbing others asleep.
Well, those were the times i had with my Sabahan friends. Guess i'm gonna have to start building another memorable event with my friends here in Dungun.
Another book closes, and another book opens.
12th May 2011. What a date!
In case you're wondering what's so special about this date, it's my birthday hello??
I'm so glad this year's birthday was much better than the past 3 years. Cuz everytime 12th of May arrives each year, it would be the start of a semester break. The time where students and my friends are all busy packing up to go back to their kampung. The time when i would celebrate my birthday either alone or just me n my mum at home. And only in the weekend will my dad come home from Labuan and my sister from her boarding school to have a proper birthday celebration. Usually, an eat-out and a cake.
But this year, 12th of May was without my family. On the other hand, i had my granny, my cousins, and my friends. And on this day, my friends and i went to Sunway Lagoon. Sort of like a birthday celebration thingy. I went there with these people. They were my friends back in UiTM Sabah.
I'm so glad this year's birthday was much better than the past 3 years. Cuz everytime 12th of May arrives each year, it would be the start of a semester break. The time where students and my friends are all busy packing up to go back to their kampung. The time when i would celebrate my birthday either alone or just me n my mum at home. And only in the weekend will my dad come home from Labuan and my sister from her boarding school to have a proper birthday celebration. Usually, an eat-out and a cake.
But this year, 12th of May was without my family. On the other hand, i had my granny, my cousins, and my friends. And on this day, my friends and i went to Sunway Lagoon. Sort of like a birthday celebration thingy. I went there with these people. They were my friends back in UiTM Sabah.
Too bad we didn't fully enjoyed ourselves. The weather was OK at first. Until the rain came. We had to cancel the swimming part. And the ATV ride. Urghhh. Only managed to ride the pirate ship, the not-so-challenging roller-coaster, the Scream Park, the bungee-trampoline, paintball try-outs, and the teacup spinner. I sooo...wanted to try out the bungee-jumping, but it was expensive. I'm gonna have to wait for my parents. $$$.
Anyway, i'm most happy when it came to the birthday present part. These are the presents i got this year.
Mama n Papa. As a convo present as well. |
RM12.50 from Tasya. What a number! |
Danial. Our favourite, Japanese food. |
Moneybox from Ros. |
Homemade choc moist cake by Kak Diana and Abg Ezrik. *drool* |
Versace perfume set. From my cousin, Bob. |
Cutie mug from Paklong n Maklong. |
Choc cake *drool* from Ros, Ikhlas and Rasnah. |
Handphone holder by Tika. |
THANX YA'LL...!!! Thankx for making my birthday this year, a day to cherish forever. Forget how old i am now, the thoughts matter more.
Oh plus, Tim promised to give me a birthday present too. Supposedly at convo, but didnt happen. So in the end, she said she's post it over. It's a book by Sophie Kinsella. My favourite author! Can't wait..can't wait!
Sunway Lagoon
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Fruit Roll-ups Alert
Good news!
Fruit Roll-ups are available in Cameron Highlands!!
Oh Danial cepat lah balik KL.
Fruit Roll-ups are available in Cameron Highlands!!
Oh Danial cepat lah balik KL.
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