I have dreams. A lot of them.
Cartoon animator.
International school art teacher.
National Geographic photographer.
Wildlife technician.
Skyscraper architect.
Graphic designer.
TV host for travelling channel.
World traveller.
Skiing at Swiss Alps.
Hiking in Yellowstone.
Fly over Grand Canyon.
Sky diving.
Bungee jumping.
Hug a chimpanzee.
Play with lion cubs.
Kiss a dolphin.
Ride an elephant.
Gosh..I'm writing this with no seconds break. This is truly by heart. Looking back at the list, some are impossible to achieve. And some still have hope.
Of all the dreams I listed out above, non are yet achieved. I've achieved some dreams, which I might list out some other time. I repeat, might!
Assume this as my prolong wishlist that are still in progress.
Till then.
I am off to bed, to dream. May the dreams become a reality.