Once upon a time, I was not like today.
When I was a kid, cartoons were my drug. I need 'em everyday. If I can't get Mickey Mouse, the Little Mermaid, Tom & Jerry...or Barney, I couldn't sleep well.
Apart from watching cartoons, my favourite TV shows were English and Chinese dramas and movies on TV (I spent my childhood days in Taiwan, so I was exposed to Chinese dramas very much). Ohh..I never got bored watching God Must Be Crazy. LOL-ed every time.
Apart from being all cute with cartoons and being dramatic with dramas...*drum roll*..I loved brutality. And no, I did not become brutal myself (i think). These were my favourite TV shows too:
Beavis and Butthead

I bet no parents will allow their kids to watch this. All the swearing and immoral behaviors these two pea-brains portray can influence a kids' mentality. I'd usually watch this after school on Star World (or was it MTV? Can't remember). I f u ask why I liked this cartoon, I'd say cuz they looked so cool.
Southpark Gang

These cuties are a bunch of swearing kids. Every time they swore, (rather than me swearing too), I laughed. That's why I loved this cartoon. Regardless of their violence. Poor Kenny, always the victim~

MTV Celebrity Deathmatch
I wonder why they dont have this show anymore. It's insanely hilarious. The cartoons are made of clay, and it's a wrestling match between celebrities. I still have this photographic memory of Britney Spears vs (err..forgot who). They wrestled so violently that Britney's leg was dislocated. But hey, it's a cartoon, so Britney connected her leg back with no problem.
Happy Tree Friends
Who wouldn't resist seeing these bunch of cutie pets?
Growing up and looking back at those times make me wanna be a kid again, where my biggest problem was to choose between watching cartoons or a movie, or choosing what color crayons to color the flower.But considering being in the new millennium, I think it's wise to not program these cartoons on TV. Be it personally kept for entertainment. To think again, even if adults watch this cartoon today, I fear the worse. People today can really be upsetting. Where have their humanities gone? Who's to blame? I hope not these cartoons.
Whatever you watch, listen...(anything absorb able around you), please please please be a sane person. We don't want violence in this world! Why must there be issues on violence, cruelty, oppression etc etc.? We're still classified the same under God's creation; human. So act human, and be human.
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